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USA Visa Information

Applying for a visa to study in the USA?

Updated 14th August 2023
USA unsplash

Visa application

The United States Immigration and Naturalization Service recommends that all students should contact the US Embassy or Consulate in their country 90 days in advance of their arrival in the USA. This is to ensure that enough time is available to obtain the required visa.

Wiseward strongly recommends that prospective students take this into account when applying to study at one of our US schools or colleges. If you wish to study with us and need any help or advice regarding US visa application procedures, please contact us.

  • Visa information is correct at the time of publishing. Visa rules and regulations constantly change. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you have the right visa for your intended course. The information provided herein by Wiseward aims to help you in making an informed choice.
  • It is extremely important that you apply for the correct visa before you leave home. Different countries have different rules and the purpose of this page is to give you some assistance and guidance.
  • Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have all the correct paperwork. If you are unsure or need further help or advice please contact us and one of our helpful counsellors will be happy to assist.
  • Regardless of which country you are going to be studying in, different visa rules apply depending on your age, nationality and the length of stay you plan to be in the country.