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UK visa information

Discover the essentials of securing a UK visa in our guide.

Updated 14th August 2023
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Some nationalities do not need a visa to participate or attend the courses offered on the Wiseward site, others will need a visa to enter the UK. 

Please remember that visa rules and regulations constantly change. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you have the right travel documents, including relevant visas, for your intended course. The FAQs listed below aim to give you guidance on whether you need a visa, and if you do what type of visa you will need.

I have booked a language experience programme on the Wiseward website? Do I need a visa?

You almost certainly do not need a study visa. Depending on your nationality you may need a visitor visa.

Do I need a visa to study in the UK?
  • Many people coming to the UK to study will need a visa although there are a number of significant exceptions and exemptions that may be applicable to you.
  • If you’re studying in the UK at an accredited institution, such as a language school recognised and accredited by the British Council, for less than six months, you can do this as a visitor. Many students (including those from the European Union and other eligible countries) do not need a visa for courses lasting less than six months.
  • Students from some countries will need to apply for a standard visitor visa to do a short course in the UK.
  • Check here to see if you need a visa to study in the UK
I plan to stay in the UK for over six months to study. What sort of visa do I need?
  • If you are planning to study an English language course in the UK that is between six months and eleven months, then you can apply for a short-term study visa
  • If someone you know is coming to visit you on holiday to the UK, they may need to apply for a visitor visa.

Does my UK visa allow me to travel to mainland Europe?
  • Unfortunately not. If you want to travel to mainland Europe you will need to apply to the country you wish to travel to for a visa.
Where can I find more information about visas for studying in the UK?

Your local British Council office is a really great place to start. Many British Council offices run pre-departure briefings for students who are due to travel to the UK. At these events, you can find out more about everything you need to prepare, and you may pick up some helpful tips for applying for your visa. Check the British Council events page or visit your local British Council website to find an event near you.

How much do Visas cost for the UK?

A student visa costs GBP 363.00

A short-term study visa costs GBP 200.00. It has a maximum validity of 11 months

A standard visitor visa costs GBP 100.00 and is valid for six months

I have a question that is not listed here.

If you have a question that you have been unable to find an answer to on the Wiseward site you can find additional information about student visas on the excellent British Council website.

If you need additional information about Visitor Visas to the UK you can find more information here.

Much of the information on these pages is courtesy of, and with thanks to, the British Council.

  • Visa information is correct at the time of publishing. Visa rules and regulations constantly change. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you have the right visa for your intended course. The information provided herein by Wiseward aims to help you in making an informed choice.
  • It is extremely important that you apply for the correct visa before you leave home. Different countries have different rules and the purpose of this page is to give you some assistance and guidance.
  • Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have all the correct paperwork. If you are unsure or need further help or advice please contact us and one of our helpful counsellors will be happy to assist.
  • Regardless of which country you are going to be studying in, different visa rules apply depending on your age, nationality and the length of stay you plan to be in the country.