Why two or three weeks study abroad brings enormous added value to a teenager's learning experience
Each year Wiseward offers junior summer language programmes abroad where young students ages 13 - 17 immerse themselves in language lessons and cultural activities with other students their age from around the world. But you might be wondering, what are the benefits of this?

Early experiences abroad in the form of summer language camps are popular, especially in Europe where students don't need to travel such a great distance in order to be immersed in another language and culture. These programmes are also popular with young Asian students whose parents place a high value on education and language learning, giving their kids a cultural and linguistic advantage over many other others.
There are many benefits to sending your teenage students or your minor child abroad for a language programme besides learning new language skills and giving parents a few free weeks in summer! Read on to discover why you should consider a junior language programme abroad for your class or your child this summer.
Create a lifelong passion for intercultural connection
The earlier this experience happens the better the teen will adapt to other cultures, both now and in the future. Interaction with students from other countries, with local teachers or host families, will instil curiosity, understanding and acceptance of other cultural behaviours. Being culturally bilingual, understanding and embracing differences, can only be taught through experience and best practised in the real world. Teenagers will make friends from around the world and these intercultural experiences will be valuable sources of future ambition.
Improve communication skills
While sometimes frustrating, learning another language requires effort and the ability to find ways to express oneself in different ways. Students will learn to adapt their body language, their spoken language, and even their written language based on cultural contexts in order to communicate more clearly with their classmates and teachers.
Instil a spirit of adventure and curiosity
Young students participating in a junior language programme will not only have a chance to learn a new language, they will also have a chance to explore new places, try new foods and experience new adventures such as sports and cultural activities. Your teens will be challenged and will crave more adventure.
Personal development
While away from home for a few weeks, students will have to think about budgeting their spending money, navigating new ways of socialising, and managing him or herself when outside the comfort zone. This can be an incredible challenge but also teaches important life skills and creates an important sense of independence.
Build self-confidence
Through these experiences, teenagers will build self-confidence, having overcome obstacles, learned new language skills and adventure into new territory independent of his or her family.
How to find the right junior language programme abroad
Wiseward organises junior language programmes for both individual students and school groups travelling to France, Spain, Germany or Italy as a complete summer language learning experience usually from 2 - 4 weeks. These programmes include part-time language lessons, cultural activities and sports, meals, accommodation and airport transfers. We provide these programmes as a fun and interactive way to educate and engage students ages 13 - 17.
To give you some further ideas, our popular programmes include:
- Intensive French lessons + daily activities on the French Riviera (including watersports and cultural events)
- German lessons + sports camp at large nature park/reserve (including canoeing, sailing, climbing, and volleyball)
- Spanish lessons + activities in one of 5 different locations in Spain
- Italian sports & leisure programme near Venice