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Language Learning Facts You Might Not Know

Each one of us realizes, in a different stage of our lives, that learning a second (sometimes third) language is a must-do activity. Some of us do it with pleasure, some totally hate it. Here I will present you with some interesting facts about language learning.

Group English class

How many languages exist?

Let's start with the fact that there are more than 7000 languages in the world. Unfortunately, this number is decreasing as you read this. Not all languages have a written form. Many languages are just spoken.

Is English the most widely spoken language in the world?

You probably thought that English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Let me correct you. That language is Mandarin Chinese. About 12.44% of the world’s population speaks it, whereas 5.52% of world population speak English. The Spanish is in between with about 5.85%.

What are the hardest languages to learn?

Research suggests that Chinese and Arabic are one of the hardest ones to learn. However, this depends on other factors such as the native language, the culture, the ability to learn new languages, etc.

When to start?

The best age to start learning a new language is 7. Children are like a sponge - they absorb everything. The same applies to language learning. The child has the strongest ability to absorb a new language. This is because people are more receptive to languages at that stage of development. But it is never too late. If you are willing, you can learn a language at any age.

Making mistakes.

This is perhaps the most interesting fact. The best way to learn a language is by making mistakes. Once you have made a mistake and have been corrected you won't repeat that mistake again!

Health Benefits.

People who speak two or even more languages have a better memory and they are more creative. Add to this the fact that knowing and using two languages will reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.


The most widely used writing system in the world is the Latin i.e. Roman. This alphabet dates back to 1100 BC. It is believed that it was first used in Phoenicia, in the Eastern Mediterranean. Then the Greeks adapted it, and finally, the Romans re-adapted it. However, one thing is for sure: languages are part of our everyday life. Once you learn a new one you get a new key. With the help of this key, you open a new door that allows you to enter into a whole new world of communication. Then everything is easier. Having a few keys in your pocket will widen your horizons. So enroll in one of our courses and start learning a new language now.

Damian breen
Damian Breen Managing Director

Damian spent some 22 years living and working in various different countries in Africa and the Middle East, for several different leading international airlines, in senior country and regional manager roles.